Thursday, November 18, 2010

... the Apophis agenda ...

... when you score a part on a television series you don't necessarily expect it to run for ten seasons, spawn spin-offs or become part of popular culture ... you can wish for it, yes, but it's advisable not to bet the farm on runaway success ... however, science-fiction serials often go viral and achieve immortality in unexpected ways, like Star Trek and the mega-movie franchise Star Wars ... so, my lengthy involvement as Apophis in the Stargate phenomenon had both precedent and portent ...

... being cast as the grand nemesis, successor to the flamboyant Ra character played by Jaye Davidson in Stargate-the-movie, promised a measure of singularity, not just owing to extravagant make-up, "Mickey Mouse" ears, killer bling and golden costumery, but also a virtual exemption from absolute vanquishment ...

... these days, well into episodic syndication (a fancy way of saying re-runs), it occurs to us we never actually saw him die but assumed his demise based on the predicament leading up to the fireball thought to have consumed him ... in the tradition of Elvis sightings, reports of the death of Apophis seem greatly exaggerated, and there has proven to be quite an afterlife for this pompous false God ... the identification in 2004 of an orbiting asteroid with a statistical potential to collide with planet Earth has raised the spectre of this resurgent villain once again ...

... the astronomers who named this threat after my character, David Tholen and Roy Tucker, are Stargate fans only too familiar with the predictably unpredictable re-appearances of Apophis ... a pattern mirrored by this inter-galactic rock that resembles a huge Irish potato or a flaming Idaho super-spud ...

... calculations have Apophis close enough to Earth in 2012 to make better observations, but not close enough to counteract any Tea Party tilt at the American Presidency ... some likely gravitational adjustment in 2029 makes 2036 the year to ditch those insurance policies and have your bucket lists completed ...

... even Dick Cheney's successors, Blackwater and the mighty U.S. military would have to bow to Apophis ... the Russians, not trusting NASA projections that put most of the former Soviet Union under the asteroid's trajectory, want to pre-emptively shoot it down or deflect it over Washington, Waco or Wasilla ... they may only succeed in making Apophis really mad ...

... knowing Apophis like I do (I remain one of this world's foremost experts on the mindset of this persistent antagonist), I can safely state; Apophis will not throw the babes out with the bathwater ... before unleashing Armageddon he'll most likely take a sampling of Tau'ri (read Earthling) womankind as tithe or entitlement, to play Caligula while amassing an army or two on some distant planet in preparation for a future assault ...

... meanwhile, ever since the great civilisations of ancient Egypt, his mythology builds to crescendo ... there's even contemporary reasoning that the coming of Apophis was predicted in The Bible, and all sorts of creative souls continue to pay homage via artwork like this ethereal representation from a fan named Renee ...

... if the unthinkable happens, and the force that is Lord Apophis returns, riding on a baked potato to wreak havoc on the world which repeatedly frustrated him on televisions across the known universe, we can't say we weren't amply warned ... a penultimate twist-in-the-tale perhaps, is seen in this impact-rendering by the coincidentally named NASA-affiliated artist Don E. Davis ...

... I suspect that, somewhere, the late actor Don S. Davis, who portrayed Stargate Command's General Hammond helping to repel the early attacks of Apophis, would chuckle at the irony ...


  1. mhhhh..... i knew it... i knew it... oh! should i say.. i FELT it from deep in my bones.... that little vibration, echo, voice, saying, breathing "he is NOT dead" and ending in an devil laugh! APO!! (love this article btw! )

  2. I too believe Apophis is alive and will return to wreck havoc on us young Earthlings. But for every villian there is a hero, so watch your back. Though you seem to have as many lives as a cat, our heroes have risen from the grave more times than you and things just always seem to go their way. Remember all your back up plans and if you want a co-pilot, I'm your Tau'ri. And yes, Don would laugh his deep hearty laugh and the world would smile with him.

  3. ich wollte auch nur mal schnell auf deutsch los werden , wie toll ich dich peter in der rolle des apophis fand :-)meine güte was war ich verknallt lol :-) ich habe bestimmt einig folgen über 50 mal gesehen ! nur weil apophis mit gespielt hat. ich war ein fan der ersten stunde :-) und auch heute jahre später will ich diese zeit nicht missen :-) und selbst wenn mich heute jemand fragt ! wer ist dein traummann ? würde ich auch noch in 20 jahren sagen : peter williams as apophis!!! vielen dank für diese tolle zeit :-) your sweettanja

  4. ... live life to the fullest, we have until 2036 :-) ... vielen dank @sweeanja ...

  5. They lost me when your character desapeared...I will be back as one of those Babe guest, this character was the Charisma of the keep me update if any return, ready to tune in!!


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