Tuesday, March 6, 2012

... super whose day? ...

... feels like a blink-of-an-eye since we were last here ...

... d-day on this otherwise unremarkable Tuesday in Spring when a quartet of likely lads, from America's chest-beating right-wing, rage against the machine ...

... in this latest swing of the pendulum, America's quest for democratic equilibrium, there is petty polarity and piety aplenty, which speaks of divergent camps ... ideological options before the electorate are clarified and stark ... decisions, decisions ...

... in the grand tradition of referring to national baseball championships as the World Series, Black Friday consumer frenzies and a grandiose style of doing things, U.S. politics bills this polling day as Super Tuesday, with primaries in eleven States and hundreds of electoral delegates up for grabs ...

... who'll get the cookies from the cookie-jar? ...

... the HBO release of "Game Change" is a timely harbinger ... a screen depiction of that dramatic convention stunt in 2008 when Crusty Crony (McCain) pulled Lively Rabbit (Palin) out of his hat, effectively pegging back the frontrunner ... could we have a repeat of that maverick moment this year? ...

... cynical, smart-money is on a spectacular addition to the Republican ticket in order to boost the lackluster candidate who finishes top ... should Rick Santorum, a man I first heard of in a particularly graphic Dan Savage column, emerge G.O.P. leader he'll need a total makeover and a Latina running mate who looks like Sofia Vergara to make our incumbent look sideways ...

... today's probable winner, Mitt Romney (we'll know around the time this ackeelover observation gets published tonight), carries a yoke or three around his neck and each one is extra-weighted with stumblebum gaffes and halting riposte ...

... it'll take something quite monumental for reluctant Romney to thwart Barack Obama's sophomore term but don't bet the house just yet ... plans are likely underway to co-opt an irresistable candidate, one possessed of credibility and clout ...

... in fact, they've already got the lapel buttons circulating ...

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