Saturday, April 14, 2012

... extraordinary brothers-in-arms ...

... "I'm not an alien," so goes the quip, "but I play one on TV" ...

... at one point in the not so distant past, the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) classified me as an Alien of Extraordinary Ability in The Arts ... my head still swells at the adjective "extraordinary," even as the ascribed primary descriptive "alien" brings to mind fanciful images of almond-eyed Hanna Barbera Martians with ray guns in plexiglassed, single-occupant flying saucers ...

... still, I'm in good company 'cos even the lofty President Barack H. Obama, elected (via rigorous, even tortuous, adult sufferage) to the top office in the-land-which-would-lead-us-all, gets the word "alien" thrown at him from time to time ...

... as brothers-in-arms we have that and more in common ...

... not least of these commonalities are convincingly furrowed brows and mesmerising, outstretched arm gestures ...

... chillin' with my actual brother Stephen last week, high above 86th St. on Manhattan's Upper West Side, we formed a fraternal triumvirate-by-proximity with the POTUS, who, if we had a third sibling, would look like the brotha-on-the-book-cover ...

... again, in the not so distant past this would have been an implausible scenario ... and, while it's not enough to profess solidarity with a politician simply because one looks like him, it's certainly comforting that such an official can finally compare to one's own valid countenance - as well as being a measuredly progressive influence on the direction of the U.S. of A. ...

... speaking as an intergalactic adversary from another dimension (legions of Stargate SG-1 fans accept this as fact, so should you), I'm reconciled to a postponement of any assault on fair Planet Earth until after the end of Barack Obama's second term in office, out of respect for his (literally) extraordinary tenure ...

... should America falter at the polls, Apophis may interdict ...


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