Monday, September 24, 2012

... dining at the DIY ...

... one of the highlights of the televised Whitney Houston memorial service not so long ago was a moving testimonial courtesy of "The Bodyguard" co-star Kevin Costner ...
... last night, the A-list actor won a 2012 Emmy Award for his lead role in "Hatfields and McKoys" which was filmed in Romania, a practical manifestation of an earlier homily from Costner's film "Field of Dreams"..."if you build it, they will come" ...
... while I try to remain optimistic for my own Emmy-nom, I recall the sage advice of my grandmother who colloquially noted that in fallow times one should ... "tun yu han' mek fashion"...
... fusing these two inspirational sayings successfully can lead to a cool payoff, as proven by the home-made dining-room centerpiece in the bay-window of our new condo ...
... aside from raw materials, the main ingredient is expertise ... in this case, Uncle Rick, a ridiculously talented craftsman with experience, magnanimity and a can-do approach, was up to the task of marshalling this eager apprentice ...
... a hand-crafted trestle base, topped by Uncle Bill's salvaged solid-core door, required strategic augmentation and cosmetic touches before being painted semi-gloss, cloud-white to match similarly re-coated hand-me-down ladderbacks ...
... we built it, so I guess they'll come - for thanksgiving dinner ...
"tun yu han' mek fashion"- (lit.) turn your hand make fashion
- be creative, use ingenuity to make something out of nothing

1 comment:

  1. That's brilliant work my friend. Everyone enjoys a delicious meal with an awesome view at day or night - BOO YAH!!! :)


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