Friday, March 22, 2013

Do The Wurm.

I enjoy running, kicking a football, or riding a mountain bike on a Whistler Mountain trail. Fresh air isn't overrated, and hitting the gym, if only to stretch, remains a very effective way to actively entertain myself. Someone else may choose solitaire or collage, but ever since the world was conquered by digi-chip electronic networks, there's so much more to do.

Apparently, you can make pretty much anything at all in iOS. Multi-level gaming works for many. Others just use their devices to chat. This week I made generative arte moderne via Wurm, a fairly new graphic-design app - that kinda fell in my lap.

(Wurm in my lap? - dem couldn't call di ting Boa? #cheaplaughs)

Well, effort number one sucked me into a virtual vortex every time I touched that iPhone5 screen. The wondrous results reminded me of dreamy aboriginal art I'd seen in Melbourne, even though I began this first Wurm-sesh with colors chosen for more of a Jamaican/African association.

Immediately apparent was the array of possibility. Clearly, as much time would be spent on "creative" (that "insider" noun), as would be spent deciding exactly when a doodle was done, a finished product, worthy of any metropolitan galleria.

My follow-up effort produced a frantic, chiffon-esque, macro-print ... or a cellular deconstruction of an elite chocolate mint, depending on which of your senses is keenest at time of viewing.

Right from jump I found manipulating an image to make what I wanted, to be more difficult than interpreting the results I was getting. That's when shit got real. Sauciness emerged from d'art.

It may be just the boy-brain thing, but I can successfully identify horny scenarios in the suggestive lines of certain masterpieces. If it is true that reading inkblots presents insight into personality and mental wellness, then, I give myself over to the doctors.

But, I'm bringin' my Wurm wit' me.

If you've ever seen The Shroud, or Selassie in a cloud, or even St. Peter (Pan?) on a pilgrim's potato chip, then you've played the shape game before. No place for the sanctimonious.

When the mind's eye told me not to be so specific, freeform fingering (you were warned) on the smooth palette yielded randomly stimulating backgrounds. One such caressing, in opaque swirl, became a roiling, apocalyptic, smokiness.

It got me thinking of Armageddon. And North Korea. So I threw words at it and put it up on Ackeelover Chronicles.

Voila, my first Wurm-ogram. Take that, Kim Jong Un.

Independently developed by Anna Oguienko of Toronto, Canada, Wurm is a cool app-tool for playing Rorschach recognition. Then again, and just as likely, it could simply be an artsy play-toy, providing confirmation, if any was needed, that ultimately ... peeps is gonna see, what they wanna see.

Use sparingly, as prescribed by a professional.


  1. My psychology background suggests you may, just may, be using both sides of your brain equally. As you likely know, spacial reasoning and reading/writing ability are opposing, and you seem to be doing both rather well. Congratulations for being one of the gifted. Thumbs up.

  2. Technology. It can be our best friend or worst enemy. An arch-nemesis if you will - YEAH!!! :)


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