Wednesday, September 19, 2012

... who's that cockatoo? ...

... this story is a synergy of sartorial synchronicity, since, despite the occasion, I might have actually stayed at home if there wasn't something fly to wear ...

... I was leaning toward all-black default safety when my one-of-a-kind Mark Collins tailored shirt squawked audibly, "wear me!"...

... the vivid motif evokes body-ink and, in lieu of not having any tattoos, I was definitely into rockin' the rad patterns by proxy ...

... Mark and I are of similar stature and he's seen my personal style, so he was able to fashion a prototype garment and deliver it directly to me across the Atlantic courtesy of Marisol, a friend from London who was visiting ... I had it within a week ...

... sporting my exclusive chemise, atop Duck and Cover black denim bought in Melbourne, a belt by s.Oliver that cost a fiver in a Northampton thrift-store and road-tested Clark's booties, this freebird was ready to frolic on the fringes of TIFF2012 ...

... naysayers aside, overall ensemble feedback was positive ...

... I'm pretty sure the colorful eyewear accessory by Adult Supervision put the finishing touch on a persona that was dubbed "cockatoo" by one who proffered comment ...

... in addition to suggestive breakdown of the word, cock-a-too, research into traits of this prized pet parrot is revealing ...

- beautiful, intelligent showoffs - can live over 70 years
- brains need stimulation on a daily basis
- social, affectionate ... thrive on being handled, loved and petted
- expect a lot of physical and emotional attention
- curious and, if allowed, will learn to manipulate you


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